DAY: 1

Since java can be used to develop all kinds of software applications it is called as programming suite.

1. JSE ModuleJava Standard Edition
2. JEE ModuleJava Enterprise Edition
3. JME Modulejava Micro/Mobile Edition

v  It is installable software as JDK software.
v  Latest version is:  
7.0 (dolphin)
v  This module is given to develop stand-alone applications, Desktop applications, two-tier applications, applets……………….
v  This application that is specific to one computer and contains main (-) method is called as       stand-alone application.
v  Example: AWT Frame Window application, swing frame window application.
Desktop Application:
v  The application that contains two layers communicating with each other is called as two-tier application.
v  A layer represents logical partition in the application having logics
v   The two layers of two-tier application can be there in a single computer (or) can be there in two different computers.
v  To execute multiple java applications parallelly (or) simultaneously from a single computer multiple JVM’s will be activated simultaneously (or) parallelly.
v  Applet is not a desktop application it is a complied java class that can be sent over the network as web page giving alternate to the html based form pages.

·         AWT –Abstract window tool kit
·         Swing
·         Collection frame work
·         Jdbc – java database Connectivity
·         Jndi - java naming and directory interface.

v  The alternate technologies for JSE module are VB,VB.NET,D2K(Developer2000) but these technologies based applications are platform dependent and architecture specific where as the JSE module based applications are architecturally neutral and platform independent.
v  As of now 3 popular architectures are there two manufacture computers. Each Architecture gives methodology and plan of manufacturing computer.
*      they are

                         1.   IBM Architecture
                        2.  Apple Architecture
                         3. SUN Architecture

v  The C, C++ generated .exe files not only contains operating system related instructions but they also contains instructions related to underlying computer Architecture due to this we can say C, C++ languages are platform dependent and architecture specific where as java programming language is platform independent and architecturally neutral because the java compiler generated .class file does not contain underlying operating System, computer architecture instructions.

DAY: 2


·         It is not installable software, it is given as specification.
·         Jee specification contains rules and guide lines to develop webserver and application server software     (like tomcat, weblogic and etc…………..).
·         Note: working with jee nothing but working with one or other webserver or application server software to    develop the applications.
·         These webserver, application server software’s are installable software’s.
·         For jee module jse module is the base module
·         Using jee module the following applications can be developed.
                              1. Web applications (web sites)
                              2. distributed applications (location transparency)
                              3. Enterprise applications (banking)
                              4. N-tier applications
·         The applications which can provide 24/7 access to their resources using internet environment are called as web sites.
·         The client-server applications which provide location transparency are called as distributed applications.

·         If client application is able to recognize the server application location change dynamically then it is called as location transparency.
·         A web application/web site can be developed as distributed or non-distributed application.
·         All credit cards, debit card processing applications will be developed generally as distributed applications.
·         The large scale application that deals with complex and heavy weight business logic by having middle ware services support is called as enterprise application.
       Example: Banking application
·         The additional services that are configurable on the applications to make applications running perfectly in all the situations are called as middleware services.
      Example: security services.

*      Transaction management services, pooling services and etc…….

 Note:  middle ware services are not minimum logics of the application. They are additional and optional logic to develop.

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